
Jim van den Bos
Aug 10, 2021
Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels

I want to walk away, for hours
Take a left if I want to, or a right
Get soaking wet in the rainstorm
But I am not allowed to

I want to take a lazy moment
Doing absolutely nothing at all
Leave the dishes and the laundry
But I am not allowed to

I want to carve my career path
Make my choices in my family
Take a chance and fail miserably
But I am not allowed to

I want to decide to give my body
I want to decide on my money
I want to decide what I think
But I am not allowed to



Jim van den Bos

I am an Amsterdam based writer, to whom poetry comes easiest. Love to explore storytelling, and how that works in real life as well. Curious about most things.